Ballet by Royal Classical Ballet

“Swan Lake” can rightfully be called the pearl of Russian ballet! Staged by M. Petipa and L. Ivanov, accompanied by the brilliant music of P.I. Tchaikovsky, won millions of hearts around the world. Dancers dream of performing the main roles in Swan Lake, considering this an incredible professional success. The ballet is based on the story of the ideal and unattainable love of a prince for an enchanted beauty in the form of a swan. On the path to happiness, obstacles and trials await them that they must overcome. Light, romantic, beautiful and harmonious performance – there are not enough epithets to describe what is happening on stage. Classic presentation, polished movements, soft and smooth adagios, excellent synchronization and beauty of performance – the whole action evokes genuine emotions. Highly artistic decorations complement the picture, either creating the illusion of being in a medieval castle, or transporting the viewer to the shores of a fabulous lake. You need to see the famous dance of white swans with your own eyes and, at least for a moment, believe in magic and eternal love!